
Small groups are a place where you spend time with people that help you grow in your relationship with Christ. We can help you find a group that is right for you. Small groups gather weekly to discuss both real-life and practical faith. Contact us for more information.

Bloom aims to gather the women in our community together; to connect in friendship, to be encouraged in their faith journey and to be valued for their uniqueness. We aim to provide opportunities throughout the year to gather together spurring each other on to foster deep spiritual roots in God’s word, growing and developing our faith so to BLOOM in the likeness of Jesus, reaching out to love and serve others.

JAM (Jesus and Me) aims to provide a safe and secure environment for school age children to experience the love of God through connecting with mature Christians. Held during the school term, children have the opportunity to learn about the Bible in age appropriate ways, which are also relevant to their personal lives and walk with Jesus.

We have a quiet room fitted with a live video stream of the service, and equipped with toys and facilities for families with children under the age of 5

Join us at the church every Sunday 9am, Wednesday 11am and Thursday at 7am for corporate prayer.